Chip Ahlswede, CEO, Penny Liu, and Aaron Leider

The National Association of REALTORS® awarded the 2016 Platinum Global Achievement Program Award to the Beverly Hills/Greater Los Angeles Area Association of REALTORS® Global Committee at the Annual Conference & Expo in Orlando, FL. The Association staff and volunteer leaders demonstrated high levels of achievement in the five evaluated categories: Business Plan, Marketing & Communication, Events/Education, Outreach and Benchmarking.

In addition to excelling in the above categories, the BH/GLAAR Global Committee hosted their first Trade Mission to China in 2016. Upon return from the trip, the committee held a “Doing Business in China” Lunch & Learn seminar to recap the trip and share their knowledge and experiences with the members who were not able to go to China. In addition to that, the Committee recorded the session and placed it on their association’s YouTube channel.  

In 2015, the BH/GLAAR Committee received the Gold Achievement Award.  

Congrats, BH/GLAAR Global Committee!
