The Value Proposition Toolkit is a resource to help associations establish a clear and impactful value proposition to promote the value of membership in the association. A value proposition is a unique statement that communicates the value an association offers to members. Having a value proposition helps members understand the services and opportunities they have through their membership, and why their investment in the association is important.

Every association should have a value proposition to reinforce its significance to members, leaders, and staff. It is important to remember that value propositions focus on what the association already delivers on and does well with and is not meant to be an aspirational statement.

In this toolkit you will find:

  • What a value proposition is, and why it’s important.
  • Key steps to outlining the time and talent needed to create a value proposition.
  • A step-by-step process for creating a value proposition.
  • Communication tips for value propositions. 
  • How to measure the success of the value proposition.
  • How to establish ongoing evaluation of the value proposition. 

What is a Value Proposition & Why Do You Need It?

What is a Value Proposition?

A value proposition is a brief statement that explains the benefits an association provides to members. A value proposition should answer the question “why should a member belong to the association?” A value proposition should be equally as impactful to current members as it is to prospective members and convey why the member is better with the association, than without it. 

Why is a Value Proposition Important?

Having a value proposition helps retain members and attract new members to the association.

  • A value proposition creates a unified understanding of the association’s relevance and enables leaders and staff to communicate the association’s value clearly.
  • Building a recognized brand through the value proposition can build trust and loyalty amongst members. 
  • A value proposition connects for the membership, how the association positively impacts a member’s business.

Getting Started

Creating a value proposition takes time and involvement from members to ensure a successful outcome. Before getting started, work with association leadership to determine what group should be responsible for the creation of the value proposition.