Goal - Advocacy

The Mytown Association of Realtors® will be seen by the public, media, and elected officials as the leading advocate for private property rights and real property ownership.

Objective 1

Raise 100% of the established RPAC Fundraising goal.

Possible Action Plans

  1. Include a recommended RPAC Investment “above the line” on the annual dues bill that is reflects the amount of the “fair share” goal
  2. Encourage Board of Directors, Committee Chairs and Managing Brokers to lead by example and contribute above the fair share level and thank those members with notes, announcements and recognition.
  3. Mention/promote RPAC at every membership meeting and educational event.
  4. Include a major RPAC investment from the association as part of the annual association budget.
  5. Develop an annual fundraising plan with multiple fundraising events (e.g., 50/50 drawings, raffles, auctions, events within the guidelines of State laws).

Objective 2

Achieve participation rates on NAR and State calls for action that are better than the average participation rates.

Possible Action Plans

  1. Promote members to download/use the Realtor® Action Center App at every meeting and educational event.
  2. Request every Board member and other influential members to promote the calls for action on their social media sites.
  3. Promote brokers to sign up for the Broker Involvement program so agents get the calls for action directly from their broker.
  4. Use association communication vehicles to promote agents to respond to calls for action.

Objective 3

Support property rights, housing, and real property ownership by providing active campaign assistance for local political candidates that are friendly to Realtor® Party issues.

Possible Action Plans

  1. Encourage participation in the State and the National lobbying days.
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