Possible Delivery Vehicles for the New Member Code of Ethics Orientation

Boards and associations may deliver the New Member Code of Ethics Orientation in a variety of formats. These formats may include, but are not limited to:

  1. Live classroom presentations.
  2. Home study courses.
  3. Computer-based courses.
  4. Internet/web-based courses.

If the board/association uses any method which is not presented in a "live" format (such as home study, computer based or internet based courses), the board/association must include a measurement technique with the delivery vehicle to test the member’s understanding of the material. Typically, this measurement technique would be a test.

Sample Course Outline for New Member Code of Ethics Orientation

Following is a sample course outline for a new member orientation on the Code of Ethics. This outline is a very general topical outline and not a detailed outline which might be constructed to conduct a complete course. Approximate time frames for topics are noted. This sample course outline is designed as a course approximately 3 hours in length, with two 10-minute breaks, or a total instructional time of approximately 2 hours and 40 minutes.

Sample Topical Outline for New Member Code of Ethics Orientation

I. Welcome and Introductions/Icebreaker Exercise5 minutes
II. Concepts of the Preamble of the Code of Ethics10 minutes
III. Due Process and Code Enforcement10 minutes
IV. Professional Standards Enforcement and Resolution Processes
  • A. The Two Functions of the Board/Association in Professional Standards matters.
    1. Ethics
    2. Arbitration

    B. The Difference between Ethics and Arbitration
  • C. The Processing of an Ethics Complaint
    1. The Grievance Committee - Function and Purpose
    2. The Professional Standards Committee - Function and Purpose
  • D. The Processing of an Arbitration Claim
    1. The Grievance Committee - Function and Purpose
    2. The Professional Standards/Arbitration Committee - Function and Purpose

    E. Discipline in Ethics Cases
15 minutes
V. Exercises and Cases on the Code of Ethics
  • A. Article 1 and related Standards of Practice.
    B. Article 1 Case Study
10 minutes
10 minutes
BREAK10 minutes
  • C. Article 2 and related Standards of Practice.
    D. Article 2 Case Study
    E. Article 3 and related Standards of Practice.
    F. Article 11 and related Standards of Practice
    G. Article 11 Case Study
10 minutes
10 minutes
10 minutes
10 minutes
10 minutes
BREAK 10 minutes
  • H. Article 16 and related Standards of Practice.
    I. Two Case studies on Article 16
10 minutes
25 minutes
VI. Conclusion5 minutes