Tallahassee Board of REALTORS®


1.15a A chapter is a sub-group of the Tallahassee Board of REALTORS® that designates a geographic area that is not under the National Association of REALTORS® jurisdiction of another local association, where Tallahassee Board of REALTORS® members in that area have requested a more formal structure within Tallahassee Board of REALTORS®. Chapters exist only upon the approval of the Tallahassee Board of REALTORS® Board of Directors and must adhere to the rules established by the Board of Directors; that may from time to time be amended. Chapter structure, including leadership (President, Secretary, Treasurer, representative on the Board of Directors, etc...) are subject to the approval of the Tallahassee Board of REALTORS® Board of Directors. The President of Tallahassee Board of REALTORS® or his representative, will review the activities of the Chapter to determine that they are in compliance with the Tallahassee Board of REALTORS® bylaws and policies.

1.15b Each chapter may elect officers, abiding by the Tallahassee Board of REALTORS®, requirements for doing so.

1.15c Chapters may maintain a small fund, not to exceed $2,000.00, through its Treasurer for the purpose of meeting and administrative expenses. Further, money may be raised from time to time for the purpose of community service projects. All monies will be accounted for on the financial ledgers of the Tallahassee Board of REALTORS®. In addition to the designees of the chapter, the President, Treasurer and the CEO of Tallahassee Board of REALTORS® will be signatories on the account. The monthly bank statements will be delivered to the Tallahassee Board of REALTORS® offices by the financial institution for reconciliation.

1.15d The purpose of the chapter(s) of the Tallahassee Board of REALTORS® is to foster a sense of community with those members of the Tallahassee Board of REALTORS® that are engaged in the real estate profession in a 'unique' geographic area. Each chapter should provide networking and community service opportunities to its members.

1.15e Regular meetings of the chapters shall be held as scheduled, but no less than 4 times annually.

1.15f A Tallahassee Board of REALTORS® member from each chapter will be appointed to the Board of Directors by other members of that chapter and serve as an Ex Officio member of the Tallahassee Board of REALTORS® Board of Directors. This appointment will be per Tallahassee Board of REALTORS® nominating and election rules.

1.15g The Board of Directors Representative(s) will regularly attend Tallahassee Board of REALTORS® marketing, business, and Board of Directors meetings and update the chapter members at their scheduled meetings and by its newsletter.

New York State Commercial Association of REALTORS®, INC


Section 1. Local chapters - The Board of Governors shall authorize and approve the formation of local chapters upon written request and review.

Section 2. Application shall be made in writing to the Board of Directors by ten or more REALTORS® residing, or working, in a common geographical area for the formation of a local chapter. The Executive Board of the association will review and either approve or disapprove said application within 45 days of receipt, and shall notify the applicants of the decision. If disapproved, the Board shall provide the reasons) thereby permitting reapplication.

Section 3. Local chapters will be governed by the association bylaws and shall provide their own bylaws which shall contain the name of the local chapter; membership fees, if any, in addition to association dues and assessments; goals and objectives; composition of their Board of Governors; designation of selected members; and time and place of meetings.

Section 4. Annual reports - each local chapter shall submit an annual report to the association by December 1st of each year listing the names, addresses, company affiliation, and elected position of all officers and directors, plus a roster of all members.

Billings Association of REALTORS®


Authorization: The Board of Directors of the Billings Association of REALTORS® may authorize the establishment of chapters within geographical limits, such chapters to continue at the pleasure of the Board of Directors. In addition, chapters shall at all times be governed by and conduct their affairs in accordance with the bylaws of the Billings Association of REALTORS®. The National Association of REALTORS® must first approve the merger before a chapter may be established.

Chapters may not speak on policy issues on behalf of the Billings Association of REALTORS® without specific authority from the Billings Association of REALTORS®.

Geographic Chapters: The Board of Directors may define, redefine or divide the territorial jurisdiction of any chapter with the assistance of the National Association of REALTORS®.

Chapter Name: The official name of a chapter will be identified by the geographical are of the chapter in addition to the primary association. (Example: Lewistown Chapter of the Billings Association of REALTORS®.)

Membership: An individual shall be required to be a member in good standing with the National Association of REALTORS® and the Montana Association of REALTORS® as a prerequisite for active membership in a chapter of the Billings Association of REALTORS®.

Board of Directors Involvement: The Board of Directors of the Billings Association of REALTORS® approved a chapter representative as a voting member of the Board of Directors of the Billings Association of REALTORS®. The chapter has the right to appoint their representative on the Board by any means that they see fit.

Rogue Valley Association of REALTORS®

Policies and Procedures
Excerpt, Section 6-9

Josephine County Council

    Ensure that RVAR services are provided locally to RVAR members in Josephine County. Services, will include, but not necessarily be limited to, education classes, social networking events, and fundraising events to preserve the REALTOR® identity within the local community.
    1. The council shall be comprised of up to eight (8) members (including the chair and vice chair) whose firms have a location within Josephine County, for staggered two-year terms appointed by the President and ratified by the Board of Directors. At least two-thirds (2/3's) of the council members shall be REALTORS®. When appointing the council members, the president shall ensure that there is representation from firms of different sizes and no more than two individuals from the same firm may serve on the council at the same time.
    2. The chair and vice chair shall be chosen each year by the appointed council members from among the REALTOR® members on the council.
    3. The chair and vice chair shall appoint individual work groups as needed to accomplish the goals and objectives of the council.
    1. The council shall submit to staff a budget request by September 30th of each year for consideration for inclusion in the overall budget proposal. Failure to submit such request does not mean that a budget will not be provided nor does it mean that the committee could not make request of the Board of Directors later in the year if need arises. However, it does mean that the initial budget will be based on prior years' activities and past budget allotments rather than future plans the committee may be considering.
    2. The council shall plan a minimum of 3 large venue continuing education classes per year to be held in Grants Pass. A preliminary schedule of classes shall be reported to the board of directors no later than their February meeting. The council shall coordinate with the Education Committee when scheduling to avoid duplication of topics and/or share costs for out of area speakers. For the purpose of this policy, "large venue" is defined as a class location that would accommodate AND a topic that would attract attendance of 75 or more.
    3. Assist (i.e. - provide topic and/or speaker ideas) staff at the Josephine County branch office with planning the Water Cooler Sessions and other training classes to be held at least monthly in the training room at the branch office facility.
    4. The council shall plan at least 2 fundraising events per year that, while all RVAR members are invited, will be unique events targeted to the Josephine County members and their involvement in their local community.
    5. The council shall plan at least 2 social events (1 of which may be the event noted in paragraph "f" below) per year, solely for the purpose of fostering camaraderie and networking with other REALTORS® and affiliates.
    6. The council shall work with other committees as necessary (such as the Affiliate Committee or YPN) to plan at least 1 social event that will draw members from both Jackson and Josephine County to further foster camaraderie and cooperation between the members in each county.
    7. The council shall provide a quarterly activity report to the RVAR Board of Directors or more often if requested by the president.
      (adopted 4/14, amended 8/14)

Washington Association of REALTORS®


Section 12.

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary elsewhere in the Bylaws, the following shall apply to CHAPTERS. The State Association may form a CHAPTER of the State Association consisting of members-at-large in an unassigned territory (as both terms are defined by the National Association of REALTORS®), all REALTOR® Members of which will hold membership in the Association and in the National Association of REALTORS®. Chapters shall be organized and administered as outlined in the State Association's policy manual. The State Association may assess fees, on the REALTOR® Members of a Chapter, for services provided to the Chapter as determined by the Executive Committee upon recommendation from the CEO. Fees assessed on Chapter members will not exceed the amount of the annual dues of an ASSOCIATION MEMBER. A Chapter may be dissolved upon ninety (90) days notice from either the State Association or the Chapter President. Each Chapter will automatically have one "At Large" director for a term of one (1) year. All state directors shall be named by the Chapter that the director will represent, pursuant to the local Chapter's adopted policy.

Washington Association of REALTORS®

Chapter Policies and Procedures

Chapter Website

  • WR will create and maintain the website.
  • Content will be acquired from the chapter, WR and NAR.
  • WR will handle all hosting, firewall and technical issues that may arise.
  • Website will contain a page with chapter name, contact information, links to an event calendar; links to WR and NAR; membership information; member benefit information as appropriate; link to the REALTOR® Action Center.
  • The chapter and WR will collaborate on any additional content.

Quarterly Electronic Newsletter

  • WR shall produce a one-­‐page quarterly electronic newsletter. Chapter and WR will collaborate on content. Stock content will be provided by WR to fill empty space. Examples of content can include local events and information; Call to Action information; message from the chapter president; upcoming education and networking opportunities.

Monthly Membership Email Blast

  • WR will create and deliver a monthly membership email blast. Content will be created by WR with input from chapter.

General Membership Meetings

  • WR will organize two general membership meetings annually; one of the meetings shall be dedicated to conducting business of the chapter including nomination of the chapter President.
  • WR Leadership will attend one meeting annually.
  • Agendas shall be created in partnership with the chapter and WR and may include appropriate community speakers.

As an alternative, a chapter may choose to host a social event instead of a membership meeting. For example, WR is able to provide support for:

  • Annual scholarship dinner

  • Awards banquet

  • Chapter BBQ event

Note: Chapters are required to hold at least one general membership meeting annually for the purpose of conducting chapter business (e.g. chapter elections). Other social events will be considered on a case--by--case basis with the exception of golf tournaments which will not be considered as an activity to be planned by WR under the chapter structure.

Community Engagement Activity

WR will assist with planning a community engagement activity as outlined below:

  • WR will assist with planning and implementing one community investment activity per year.
  • The activity will be identified by the chapter pending approval by WR.
  • Examples of community investment activities include but are not limited to; Habitat for Humanity Build; community fundraising event such as a donation drive, volunteering at a homeless shelter; support of a First Responders Day.
  • Other activities may be considered on a case-­‐by-­‐case basis.

Advocacy Engagement

WR will assist with advocacy engagement in the local chapter area as outlined below:

  • WR will help with local Calls to Action as appropriate issues arise. The chapter is responsible for alerting WR to any critical advocacy issues in the chapter's geographical area.
  • WR will assist with issues fund grant applications as appropriately determined by the WR Leadership in partnership with the local chapter.
  • WR will support a "Get Out the Vote" campaign prior to critical elections as determined by the chapter.

Financial and Data Administration

WR will serve as the financial and data administrator for the chapter as outlined below:

  • WR will prepare and process dues billings for chapter members.
  • Dues billings will be sent by paper in November annually; a follow-­‐up electronic bill will be sent in December and January.
  • WR will serve as the POE for the chapter and will maintain the M1 database. WR will process member changes such as office changes, address and phone changes.
  • WR will process new member applications.
  • WR will provide a link to the NAR Code of Ethics online training for new members.
  • WR will maintain any chapter funds and will dispense payments from such fund with approval of the chapter president and a WR designated staff liaison.
  • WR will serve as the signatory for all financial disbursements.
  • WR will serve as the signatory on all contracts and legal agreements involving the chapter.
  • WR in partnership with the chapter will prepare an annual budget by October 1 of each year.
  • WR will enforce the NAR Bylaws as it relates to dues collections, penalties, dropping firms and members when required.

Other Obligations:

The chapter president shall attend the annual WR Leadership Conference held in October.

  • The chapter president shall be allocated a seat on the WR Board of Directors as allowed by the WR Bylaws.
  • MLS services will not be provided by WR.
  • The chapter shall timely remit any money / income received with an explanation for the income.
  • Either party may terminate the chapter relationship at any time by providing 90-­‐days notice. There shall be no pro-­‐ration of chapter fees upon termination.
  • The chapter agreement shall be renewed annually no later than September 30.
  • WR main phone line of 800.562.6024 and the address of PO Box 719, Olympia, WA, 98507 shall be used as the chapters contact information.