The online results page for your association assessment lists all the questionnaires completed for your association. You can click to view the responses and results report for the questionnaire you filled out or any of the others regarding your association.

Individual Results

Your results report lists the five major areas and a breakdown by percentage of how much of an administrative, management, or leadership association your processes currently are. The results report also provides percentages depicting where you would like your association to be in the future.

Aggregate Results

This view provides an aggregate of the results compiled from all participants within an association that completed the Models questionnaire. The results provide a percentage of how each question was answered by all who completed the questionnaire. For example, the results may indicate that 25% of the respondents selected the administration response option for a particular question in the Governance section; 70% selected the management option; and 5% selected the Leadership option. From these results, you may conclude that most of your associations “stakeholders” believe that the association operates in a management mode for that area of Governance.


Don’t be surprised if your results show that your association is more like the administrative model in one area and more like the leadership model in another. For example, your results report may indicate that your staff competencies are 25 percent administrative model, 0 percent management model, and 75 percent leadership model. This is expected.

No association will -- or should even strive to -- fit 100 percent into one model. And remember, you choose how your optimal association should operate. The models are only benchmarks for evaluation.

In fact, some very large associations consciously choose to run some areas of their operation according to the administrative model, because doing so makes the most sense for their unique organization. Likewise, some small associations may function according to the leadership model in some areas because of how they choose to channel their resources.

There is never just one right way for a REALTOR® association to deliver services and provide value to its members. What’s important is that each association commits to raising the bar for member services and the organization. Each association should use the Models Online Planning Tool to evaluate how it is delivering value today or how it aspires to deliver value according to its own structure, demographics, size, resources, and needs.

Proceed to "Understanding the Three Association Management Models" >


This online assessment is a tool that will help provide guidance in the delivery of products, services, programs, and value to the association. This assessment is only one tool that should be used to examine expectations and responsibilities for the association and its volunteers and key staff leader.