The most important part to preparing for the Association Models Planning Tool, this presentation acts as a step-by-step guide to help facilitators lead associations through the process. Viewing the guide can also help association leaders—staff or volunteer—decide whether to use the process or not.

After viewing the guide, you will be able to:

  • Use the Association Models Planning Tool easily and effectively
  • Be familiar with the applications within the planning tool
  • Understand who should use the planning tool and if its right for your association
  • Understand how to evaluate, interpret, and see the results
  • Explain each component to others

Note: Although some associations designate a member of the leadership to administer the planning tool, some prefer to have an "outside" facilitator move them through most of these processes to avoid any perceived or real bias on the part of an internal staff member. These facilitators will benefit from the presentation as well.

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