Saturday, November 10, 2012
Orlando, Florida

Work Group Purpose

To identify and establish guidelines that constitute a comprehensive performance evaluation process for chief staff executives, as well as a peer-to-peer review process for associations.  Associations will have access to guidelines and parameters that can be used to conduct objective and comprehensive performance evaluations.  Associations will have the opportunity to request a review of their association operations and governance by another association.


During the AE Institute and Midyear meetings the work group met in two teams to develop components of an online resource for evaluating the chief staff executive.  One team identified and categorized sample performance evaluation forms that were submitted by other local and state REALTOR® associations. The other team identified guidelines and considerations that associations can use to create a performance evaluation process that is right for their association.  The guidelines addressed process components such as timing, frequency, who conducts the appraisal, the role of volunteer leaders, pre- and post-work, confidentiality, and so on.

The end product of these efforts is the new online Chief Staff Performance Evaluation resource that is part of the HR Toolkit and Volunteer Leadership Guide on  This resource can help staff and volunteer leaders create or enhance a customized evaluation process that works for their association.

Meeting Activity

The work group reviewed the new Chief Staff Performance Evaluation resource and expressed overall satisfaction with this online tool.  Work group members offered the following feedback:

  • Add a narrative that further explains the evaluation rating scale.
  • Target promotion to volunteers leaders and emphasize the benefits of evaluating the chief staff.
  • Promote the resource to state associations, so they can further communicate to local association staff and volunteer leaders.
  • Incorporate an overview of this resource in the staff/volunteer partnership segment that Doug Hinderer presents at the Leadership Summit.

Staff will address these comments and will promote the resource as suggested to all staff and volunteer leaders.

Peer-to-Peer Review

The work group also discussed its other charge, which was to develop guidelines for a peer-to-peer review process for associations.  Time did not permit the work group to address this part of its charge.

Some of the work group members, who are also part of the COVE group, shared their experiences with COVE’s peer-to-peer review process. 

  • The COVE process allows for a team of MLS executives to review the structural, management, and product aspects of another MLS organization that is managed by one of their COVE peers. 
  • A verbal report is provided outlining strengths, weaknesses, and recommendations for change; there is no written report.
  • The reviewers travel to the MLS organization that they are reviewing at their own expense.
  • The MLS executive reviewers among the group found the process to be extremely valuable, as they get an inside look into another organization and learn from a peer’s successes and failures. 
  • There were not any representatives from the work group that had been on the receiving end of the COVE review process.

ASAE provides a similar peer-to-peer review that is considered costly. 

Steve Murray also facilitates an association review process.  He forms an AE review council of seasoned executives to join him in a review of one of their peers.  The association that requests the review bears the cost for this service.

AEC leadership will consider this input when determining whether the AEC should develop a peer-to-peer review process in 2013.

Work Group Members

Kathy Roberts, RCE (FL) -- Chair
Jenny Pakula, RCE (OR) -- Vice Chair
Carol Austin, CAE (FL)
Byron Bogaard (CA)
Gary Clayton, RCE, CAE (IL)
Nancy Dunning, RCE (FL)
Anne Gardner, RCE, CAR (VA)
Anne Marie Howard, (NC)
Candy Joyce, RCE, CAE (TN)
Debra Junkin, RCE, CAE (GA)
Duncan MacKenzie (NY)
Jerry Panz, RCE, CAE (NC)
Jaqueline Parkinson, RCE (HI)
Brian Paul, RCE  (CA)
David Phillips, RCE, CAE (PA)
Victor Raymos, RCE (FL)
Edward Segal, RCE, CAE (CA)
Michael Theo (WI)
Chris Todd, RCE, CAE (VA)
Carol Van Gorp, RCE, CAE (FL)
Steve Volkodav, RCE (IL)


Joel Singer

Staff Executives

Cindy Sampalis
Donna Garcia, RCE
Laurie Oken

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