Committee/Subcommittee/Forum Name: AEC/Association Executives Institute Advisory Board

Chair: Tiffany Claxton, RCE
Vice Chair: Leslie Frazier, RCE
Liaison: Gavin Blair, RCE

Goal #1

To plan the 2026 AE Institute curriculum by identifying programming issues, trends, and knowledge needs of REALTOR® association executives in the U.S. This involves seeking input from a broad base of internal and external REALTOR® organization constituencies and subject matter experts. Results from the 2025 AEI overall evaluation will also guide the 2025 curriculum efforts, along with NAR’s Strategic Plan and the AE Core Competencies.

Expected Outcome

The input from a variety of stakeholders, coupled with the data from the 2025 AEI, will help the advisory board craft programming and networking opportunities that are most desired by the AE community. This will be proven through the course, speaker, and overall program rating for the 2026 Institute, which will be 4.0 or above (on a 5.0 scale, with 5.0 being the highest).


Goal #2

Incorporate more structured networking opportunities into the 2026 curriculum.

Expected Outcome

Attendees will have a range of networking opportunities from the moment they arrive to the moment they leave to maximize the exposure they have to various REALTOR® association management practices, which is a core reason they attend the AE Institute.


Goal #3

Create the 2026 curriculum through content curated by the AEI Advisory Board as well as through targeted speaker presentation proposals.

Expected Outcome

Allowing the Board to create content as well as rely on trusted content and presenters lets them bring the best of both to attendees and ensure their AE Institute experience delivers what they need to successfully serve their members.


Goal #4

The 2025 AEI Advisory Board will contribute programming ideas to the AEI Year Round Webinar series (a spin-off of AEI).

Expected Outcome

The AE Institute Advisory Board plans an annual curriculum that ensures association executives across the country, regardless of their ability to travel, have the tools they need to manage the REALTOR® organization and offer the products and services that help ensure members’ success.


Goal #5

Continue to work with staff to enhance the visibility of the AEI mobile app and make it the trusted source for any and all AEI information.

Expected Outcome

The mobile app becomes the single clearinghouse for all AEI programming and event information that needs to be disseminated to attendees. The mobile app launches in the first quarter 2026 with accurate and up-to-date program information, and the Board helps with messaging to highlight the app as the single source for all AEI information. Board members serve as liaisons to the AE community to help promote the app and its usefulness before, during, and after the event.


Impact on Other Committees


Anticipated action by Executive Committee or Board of Directors
