Transforming Neighborhoods

Say a neighborhood gets new housing stock or recovers from a natural disaster. It attracts commerce and offers affordable options for its residents. The result is that our economy thrives.

So, what do you do when your area is experiencing just the opposite? Those challenging real estate problems are the focus of Transforming Neighborhoods, a grant program and partnership of the National Association of REALTORS® and The Counselors of Real Estate® Consulting Corps.

Transforming Neighborhoods House Illustration

Through the program, the Corps provides analysis, plans and actionable recommendations to help local and state associations—and the communities they serve—work through their most pressing real estate issues. Each engagement includes collaboration with key public and private stakeholders. The Corps is currently working with three grant winners:

  • Knoxville Area Association of REALTORS® in Tennessee, focusing on creating a strategy to redevelop and revitalize Knoxville’s downtown waterfront, including production of more multifamily housing.
  • Huntsville Area Association of REALTORS® in Alabama, focusing on a corridor study addressing redevelopment opportunities, including housing, economic development, equity and sustainable growth.
  • Peoria Area Association of REALTORS® in Illinois, focusing on a study to determine redevelopment potential of distressed areas with an eye on housing and economic development.

Established in 1953, CRE®, an affiliate of NAR, is an international consortium of credentialed real estate problem solvers who provide expert advice on complex real property and land-related matters. As a public service initiative, the CRE® Consulting Corps works with municipalities, local REALTOR® associations, not-for-profit organizations, educational institutions and government entities.