This guide is offered as a tool for continuing, consistent training of Grievance Committee, Professional Standards Committee and Board of Directors Members of constituent Member Boards of REALTORS®.

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The guide begins by describing the importance of leadership emphasis at the state and local level in promoting adherence to the Code of Ethics and its appropriate enforcement. It then proceeds to suggest that state and local associations establish an annual training program. Suggestions are made about methods by which such programs may be established at either the state or local level with stated learning goals. The major thrust of this guide is conceptual in that it deals with the need for training, suggests methods of establishing and implementing training, and states a number of specific learning goals to be achieved by such training. It emphasizes the objectives to be accomplished, the responsibilities of Member Boards and Board Members, and the obligations and rights of complainants and respondents in professional standards matters.

The guide also addresses the functions of the Professional Standards Administrator (Association Executive), the Grievance Committee, the Professional Standards Committee and the Board of Directors, in processing ethics complaints and arbitration requests.

The information presented in this guide is intended to motivate the leadership of state and local associations to establish continuing, consistent training. Individuals who participate in such training should be made aware of the responsibilities they bear with respect to the importance of appropriate Code enforcement to organized real estate and of the possible serious liabilities that may accrue to the associations and to themselves if they do not discharge their duties and responsibilities conscientiously and responsibly.

State and local associations are not limited in their approach to the suggestions of this guide, and may establish any creative, feasible training program to fit their particular circumstances.

The National Association requests all State Associations and Member Boards to apprise the Professional Standards Committee of the National Association of successful programs to foster adherence to the Code of Ethics and to improve and ensure appropriate and effective enforcement of the Code. Please direct such information to Board Policy and Programs of the National Association of REALTORS®, 430 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60611-4087.

NOTE: The new and continuing member education criteria referenced in Professional Standards Policy Statements #47 and #48, and the criteria for staff administration training referenced in Professional Standards Policy Statement #49, can be found here.