NAR and CMLS have come together to form this set of MLS Consolidation Resources.

Purpose: In the current real estate landscape, there is a call for MLSs to create a structure that is responsive to local broker needs while continuing to facilitate an orderly marketplace. For many, even the word “consolidation” brings images of loss and destruction, fear, and distrust.

Belief: We believe that with better information, resources that demonstrate various ways an organization can drive change, and the ability to safely assess whether or not an MLS had had a role in causing dysfunction the MLS industry can rapidly overcome its challenges and mitigate member frustration,.

End Goal: MLSs are able to remove barriers that create inefficiencies and instead facilitate a truly orderly marketplace that empowers their Participants and Subscribers to focus on serving the consumer. In the end, eliminating dysfunction is a Business Solution.

Deliverable: Case studies, best practices, and other information/materials for MLSs that are interested in working with other MLSs to better serve their brokerage community. NAR and CMLS will continue update these resources with additional information as it becomes available.

Challenges & Obstacles

As represented in the February 2017 NAR Consolidation Survey results, this page focuses on the biggest challenges to MLS consolidation and the recommended solutions.

Getting Started

The suggested steps toward a successful consolidation.

Case Studies

Read five case studies that reflect in-depth accounts on successful consolidation efforts. Learn what was behind some of the most talked-about consolidations, along with the trials and tribulations that accompany such a significant business change.

Glossary of Terms

An index of common terms used in discussing consolidation efforts.

Activity Database

Real-life information and lessons learned from MLSs across the country who have participated in consolidation efforts in their market.


A list of experienced consultants and facilitators who can assist in your consolidation discussions.

Success Documents

Various consolidation information including white papers, documents, FAQs, templates, videos, and more from across the industry.

Useful Resources:

MLS Map of the National Association of REALTORS®

More Information:

At the end of the day, we are all in this together. Let's work to remove barriers that create inefficiencies and instead facilitate building truly orderly marketplaces that empower Participants and Subscribers to focus on serving the consumer.

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