Changes to the Procedure for Processing a Contested Application for Change of Jurisdiction:

At the 2019 REALTORS® Legislative Meetings and Trade Expo, the NAR Board of Directors approved amendments to the Procedure for Processing a Contested Application for Change of Jurisdiction to streamline the process by shortening filing timeframes and implementing an electronic hearing process.

Changes to the Procedure for Approving Names of Associations and Procedure for Changing an Association’s Jurisdiction:

At the 2019 REALTORS® Annual Meeting and Expo, the Membership Policy and Board Jurisdiction Committee approved amendments to the Procedure for Approving Names of Associations and Procedure for Changing an Association’s Jurisdiction to require mediation of all disputes.

Changes to the Procedure for Approving Names of Associations and Procedure for Changing an Association’s Jurisdiction:

At the 2019 REALTORS® Annual Meeting and Expo, the Membership Policy and Board Jurisdiction Committee approved amendments to the Procedure for Approving Names of Associations specific to alternative business names (“DBA”) to require that an association requesting use of a DBA must submit to NAR visual examples of how the proposed DBA will be used by the requesting association.

Previous changes to Membership, Model Bylaws, and Association Jurisdiction policies can be found here.