Is the NAR Leadership Academy right for you? Take a moment to answer a few questions in this self-assessment. These questions and answers can provide the starting point: for reflection, for personal insight, and for development planning.

  1. Has your past experience in a leadership role or as a participant in a leadership training program instilled in you a desire to seek training at the highest level?
  2. Can you commit to a year-long program of leadership development that demands skill building, leadership discovery, study, time and travel, in which you are expected to stay engaged and consider new opportunities for the association with your peers?
  3. Do you wish to improve your leadership skills and use your leadership ability as a volunteer within the REALTOR® organization?
  4. Are you excited to learn more about the inner workings of NAR and interested in giving back to the industry and applying what you learn back home?
  5. Will you support the initiatives of NAR as they continue to evolve?
  6. Are you willing to consider how the association’s strategic goals can benefit state and local associations and members at all levels year after year?
  7. NARLA encourages diversity in all that we do. This includes different levels of education, cultural backgrounds, committee involvement, membership in councils and societies, life experiences, community involvement and more. The perspectives of each of our participants contributes to the overall experience of the class. Are you open to learning from these perspectives?

If you answered YES to all of these questions, then you should consider applying for the NARLA program today. 
