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Thomas Barwick / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Thomas Barwick / DigitalVision / Getty Images
2020 NAR Strategic Priorities
Collaborating for positive impacts on housing equality and affordability.
- In 2020, NAR will collaborate with a broad coalition of organizations, including multicultural real estate groups, lenders, and builders to amplify our advocacy voice and broaden housing opportunities for underserved communities.
- Creating synergy and trust among these organizations will enhance the influence and ability the collective group has to bring about positive change.

Driving community development.
- REALTORS® are community leaders, driving economic development and advocating for smart policies at the local, state, and national level.
- Economic development stimulates business and housing, while benefiting all consumers.
- Advocacy helps drive local, state, and national policy decisions that benefit our communities.
- In 2020, in collaboration with real estate firms and our commercial affiliates, NAR will develop a strategy to enhance REALTORS®’ ability to build partnerships, work with civic leaders, and tap available resources to impact economic growth in their communities.

Retaining REALTORS®’ role as the best source of property information for consumers.
- REALTORS® are essential to the real estate transaction.
- By cooperating with other real estate professionals and sharing property listings via the MLS, REALTORS® are also the backbone of the real estate data that consumers, businesses, and governments rely upon.
- The relevance and the value of the MLS are being challenged by lead-capture companies, venture capitalists, class action attorneys, and others who attempt to usurp REALTORS®’ position as the first point of contact for consumers.
- As an industry leader, NAR’s role is to continue to promote and enhance the REALTOR® value proposition and ensure that consumers continue to receive the best, most accurate and comprehensive real property information directly from the professionals who create it, REALTORS®.

Enhancing the value of membership.
- This priority builds upon our 2019 priority of enhancing the member experience.
- In 2020, NAR will focus on understanding the members on a deeper level in order to deliver relevant content and services based on their individual wants and needs. Achieving this goal will require NAR to work hand-in-hand with state and local associations to improve the way we collect and share member data.
- NAR will work with technology partners to offer tangible member benefits and to tailor and promote those benefits to members.
- When NAR is able to provide members with a more customized experience, members will feel heard, and their perception of the value of membership in the REALTOR® organization will increase.

NAR 2020 Strategic Prioritiespdf (338.99 KB)