The National Association of REALTORS® encourages our state and local REALTOR® Associations to partner with others to make their communities better places to live. Our Placemaking Grant is available to our REALTOR® Associations to help fund local Placemaking projects. Since the launch of the grant in 2014, we have approved over $630,000 in funding for over 300 community placemaking projects. If you have an unused, underused, unwelcoming space in your community, maybe it’s time to transform it into a more welcoming place for the community to gather.

As part of the grant requirements, we ask for a before photo of the current space and a photo of the same space after the project has been completed to show how a space was transformed into a vibrant place for a community to gather.

Here are some of those completed projects. Also see the blog posts on other projects:

North Central Jersey Association of REALTORS®

Creation of a community garden that includes moveable furniture and provides an opportunity for a community gathering and enjoying outdoor space, particularly for the seniors who live next door.


Coastal Carolinas Association of REALTORS® (SC)

Development of a new playground on a vacant lot.  The grant funded a Play Smart Cube. Take a look:


Kauai Board of REALTORS® (HI)

Revitalization of a park to reflect the history and culture of the area and to restore the marshland. The grant funded installation of panoramic photos for a kiosk display on walls inside a pavilion in the park.


 REALTOR® Association of Pioneer Valley (MA)

Creation of a new promenade park. The grant funded a public art piece which was installed in the plaza.


Madera Association of Realtors® (CA)

Creation of a new inclusive, accessible playground. The Madera Association of Realtors® has been a pivotal player in our city this year. It all started with the placemaking grant. Through the collaboration of many partners, including the City of Madera, we invested in the two benches at the new all-Inclusive Park. The project took many months and much design work, but we feel once more, we have made a permanent mark on our city.


Wilmington Regional Association of REALTORS® (NC)

Creation of a community garden built by REALTORS®. One of the 15 community service events completed on Realtor® Action Day which was partially funded with the Placemaking Grant. A total of 65 Realtors® helped construct the community garden, install a storage shed, and place several benches on the site for area residents. The church plans to give all produce grown in the garden to the homeless.


Northwest Oklahoma Association of REALTORS® (OK)

Alley activation project which included seating, artwork and Little Free Libraries. REALTORS® pitched in to help build the pocket park.


Maybe we will see your Placemaking project's before/after photo here in 2017.
