President Biden has extended the CDC eviction moratorium through March 31, 2021. His original proposal was to extend it through September 30, 2021, but NAR, in coalition with other groups, wrote the (then) President-elect urging him to provide only a short-term extension while the federal rental assistance program starts to be disbursed. NAR continues to work with the Treasury Department on implementation of the federal rental assistance programs. We understand the $25 billion will begin flowing to states and jurisdictions soon. We continue to urge Treasury and state/city/county programs to limit needless burdens on rental assistance applications, and ensure housing providers quickly receive long-overdue rental payments, and rental housing markets are able to stabilize. NAR will provide links to state and local programs as soon as they are available at

Coronavirus Housing Providers FAQs

Letter to President-Elect Bidenpdf

Letter to Treasury on Rental Assistance Programpdf

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