The New C2EX App Experience

You can access C2EX, NAR’s innovative professional endorsement program, as a mobile app—anywhere, anytime—along with a digital coach who assists and motivates you on your endorsement journey.

With the flexibility to create a development plan tailored to your schedule, you gain access to handy, concise content that fits seamlessly into your day-to-day tasks. The C2EX program’s digital coach helps you prioritize topics best suited to your individual growth. Throughout your journey, your digital coach offers ongoing guidance, tips, and point-of-need support. Plus, the C2EX app guides you to Real Life Experiences that provide vital opportunities to apply your expertise in the real world.

We are excited to share this new evolution of C2EX in its new mobile app format.

C2EX Is a Code of Ethics Training Equivalency

As of November 2019, members who earn the Commitment to Excellence endorsement will satisfy the Code of Ethics training requirement.

Please note: The C2EX Endorsement does not qualify for Continuing Education credits through state licensing bodies. For more information on how to receive CE credit for individual licensing, please contact the applicable state and local association of REALTORS®.